Azure Container Apps Private Preview example for UDR + Az Firewall + Application Gateway


  • Azure subscription (whitelisted for you subscription)
  • Azure CLI
  • Bash shell (WSL2)
  • Public wild-card TLS certificate in .PFX format
  • Public Azure DNS zone delgated from a public domain you own


  • Create /.env file at the repo root containing the following environment variables
    • PUBLIC_CERT_PASSWORD='your PFX certificate secret'
    • ADMIN_GROUP_OBJECT_ID='your AAD AKS admin group name'
  • Create a directory named 'certs' in the repo root
    • add the TLS wild-card PFX certificate to the /certs directory
  • Change current working directory to the repo root
  • Change the following variables at the beginning of
    • DOMAIN_NAME='replace_with_your_public_domain_name'
    • PUBLIC_PFX_CERT_FILE="path/to/your/tls/certificate_name.pfx"
    • PUBLIC_DNS_ZONE_RESOURCE_GROUP='replace_with_the_name_of_the_resource_group_where_your_public_dns_zone_is_deployed'
  • Run in the Bash shell
    • $ ./