This repo demonstrates how to deploy networking infrastructure, Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) clusters and the Azure voting app across 3 environments, dev, test & prod.
Two GitHub action workflows deploy the solution:
- Infrastructure (Networking, Monitoring, AKS clusters, etc.)
- Workload (Azure Voting app)
- Bash shell
- kubectl CLI
- Github account
- Clone fork this repo to your github account, then clone it locally
- Create a Federated credential between your GitHub account & Azure subscription
- The script
demonstrates how configure this - Alternatively, instructions can be found here
- The script
- Run the Infrastructure workflow
- Either:
- Make a change to the repo, commit & push the changes (
git add .
,git commit
,git push
- Make a change to the repo, commit & push the changes (
- Or:
- Run the
workflow from the GitHub Actions tab in the GitHub portal.
- Run the
- Either:
- Only the production environment is exposed via an Azure Load Balancer
- Get the production cluster's kubeconfig file
$ az aks get-credentials -n '<your cluster name>' -g 'demo-workload-prod-rg' --admin
- Using the bash shell, get the public IP assigned to the 'azure-vote-front' service in the 'azure-vote' namespace
$ EXTERNAL_IP=$(kubectl get svc azure-vote-front -n azure-vote --output jsonpath='{.status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip}')
- Hit the endpoint using curl (or type 'http://<EXTERNAL_IP>' in a browser
$ curl http://$EXTERNAL_IP
- Get the production cluster's kubeconfig file