
Azure Function custom container deployment example

Primary LanguageBicep

Azure Function custom handler

This example builds and deploys a custom Azure function container image to a Linux App Service plan.

The Bicep template also deploys the following resources:

  • Azure SQL Server
  • Azure SQL Database
  • Virtual Network and subnets
  • Storage Account
  • Azure Container Registry
  • Application Insights
  • User managed identity.

Optionally, if the ./deploy.sh script is passed the '-p' flag the SQL Server, Azure Container Registry and Storage Account will each be provisioned behind their own Private Endpoints.


  1. local Bash or Azure Cloud shell instance
  2. Azure CLI


  1. create a file ./deploy/.env containing 'SQL_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD' variable name and value contents show below

NOTE: double quotes are required around the password value

SQL_ADMIN_USER_PASSWORD="<your password>"
  1. run the deployment script
$ cd ./deploy
$ ./deploy.sh
  • optional: add the '-p' flag to deploy the Azure SQL Database, Azure Container Registry and Azure Function storage account behind private endpoints.
$ cd ./deploy
$ ./deploy.sh -p
  • optional: add the '-s' flag to skip the container image build
$ cd ./deploy
$ ./deploy.sh -s
  • optional: add the both flags to skip the container image build and deploy private endpoints
$ cd ./deploy
$ ./deploy.sh -s -p

Test the API

  1. the function FQDN will be output to the console once the deployment completes. Add the value to an environment variable named 'FUNCTION_FQDN'
$ FUNCTION_FQDN=<function fqdn>
  1. add new todo items
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos -X POST -d '{"description":"feed the dogs"}'
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos -X POST -d '{"description":"get milk"}'
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos -X POST -d '{"description":"walk the dogs"}'
  1. display all todo items
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos
  1. complete a todo item
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos/complete/1 -X PATCH
  1. get completed todo items
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos/completed
  1. get incomplete todo items
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos/incomplete
  1. update todo item
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos/2 -X PATCH -d '{"description":"get chocolate"}'
  1. delete todo item
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos/1 -X DELETE
  1. display all todo items
$ curl https://$FUNCTION_FQDN/api/todos