Pace provides an easy way to manage and track worklog entries in Jira.
$ go get
Run Pace with $ pace
to generate the default configuration file in ~/.config/pace/config.toml
Update the configuration file with details from your Jira instance and Jira Projects.
Run Pace with $ pace
. Your Jira instance will be queried for open issues in the projects specified in the configuration. Worklogs for each issue will be retrieved and an ordered time log will be constructed.
Time allows you to view worklogs for a given time period.
Log allows you to create worklogs for a given issue.
The general format of the command is:
>>> log ISSUE-100 1h30m 20181005 0900
Issues will be searched by the issue key and a list of options to select from will be displayed below. The duration parameter should be in the form of <H>h<M>m (e.g. 1h30m for 1 hour and 30 minutes). The date and time should follow the format suggested by the prompt; "YYYYMMDD" and "HHMM" (e.g. 20181005 for 5 October 2018). If the FillOptionEnabled
flag is true in the cofiguration file and alternative option will be available for date and time: --fill
. This option will set the starting time of the worklog entry to be created to the computed end time of the last work log.
The refresh option will refresh all of the issues and worklog information retrieved at startup. If the FillOptionEnabled
setting is set to true the data will be refreshed after each worklog entry is created.