This project was bootstrapped with Create React App.

RevealJS with React

This project is a boilerplate for creating revealJS presentations using React. All the basic create-react-app commands are available.


A demo can be found here

Getting started

Start by cloning the repository

git clone

then, install dependencies

yarn install

You are ready to go

yarn start


Syntax highlighting

Syntax highlighting is configured in src/highlightLanguages.js. You can set the theme from highlight.js and load the required languages here.

Then, to create an highlighted code block, you can do :

const codeExample = `function aFunction() {
    const value = 10;

    return value;

return <Lowlight value={codeExample} language="js" />

Changing the theme

To change the CSS theme of your slide deck, you can import the correct reveal.js theme in App.js.

import 'reveal.js/css/theme/solarized.css';

You can also create your own theme. Check the reveal.js repository to do so.