###Write a rental management app.
Lot's of stuff is already provided to you. First, fork me (this repo). Forking creates a copy of the repo in your github account (we didn't really cover forking in the github lesson, but you get the idea). Next, clone forked repo from your github account. (after cloning, feel free to rename wdi_rental_app_template folder). cd into project folder and look around.
main.rb contains the main program (duh). It controls the program flow, that is:
- Displays menu options
- Asks for user input
- Creates and uses other objects (building, unit, tenant) to get the job done
Run main.rb. It doesn't do much, it simply displays the main menu and let's you choose options.
ruby main.rb
Your job is to implement the menu options using the objects that we discovered in class.
Good news: The classes already exist and contain annotated method stubs, you simply need to implement. Look for comments throughout the code for guidance.
Bonus: Feel free to add menu options and extend the object model.