
My work-in-progress personal samples for the Box API

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Samples for Box Platform

This is my personal playground for Box's API. The goal of these samples is for me to familiarize myself with the Box API and its SDKs.


There are three configuration files for these samples. For all, you need to create an account and app on https://developer.box.com/ and then head over to the configuration section for your app.


In the Configuration page of your application is a section called Developer Token. Generate a token and then copy-paste it into the developer_token.json file.

  "token": "[YOUR_TOKEN]"

This token is ony valid for a few hours and need to be reset manually every time.


For the samples that use a public/private key, head over to the same Configuration page, then make sure your Authentication Method is set to OAuth 2.0 with JWT (Server Authentication). Then head down to the Add and Manage Public Keys section.

Click the Generate a Public/Private Keypair button and download the resulting file to the root of this project into the private_key.json file. It should look something like this.

  "boxAppSettings": {
    "clientID": "",
    "clientSecret": "",
    "appAuth": {
      "publicKeyID": "",
      "privateKey": "",
      "passphrase": ""
  "enterpriseID": ""


For the samples that use OAauth2 authentication, head over to the Configuration page of your app, then make sure your Authentication Method is set to Standard OAuth 2.0 (User Authentication).

Then copy over the client ID and secret into a file called oauth2_credentials.json.

  "clientID": "",
  "clientSecret": "",
  "redirectUrl": "http://localhost:3000/auth"

Make sure your redirectUrl matches your app's specified redirect URL on the developer console. Make sure to set this to http://localhost:3000/auth for these samples.

Large files

Some samples require a large file. Simply download the 50MB.zip file from thinkbroadband.com/download and put it in your project root.

Running samples

After you finished the configuration, you can run each samples as follows.


Not all samples are runnable, as some are thought experiments on future SDK design changes.


npm install # or yarn install
node node/[script-name.js]