
Ruby API library for the UCL API

Primary LanguageRubyMIT LicenseMIT

Ruby API library for the UCL API

Gem Version Build Status

A wrapper for the UCL API. Specification is as described in the the developer documentation.


Either install directly or via bundler.

gem 'uclapi'

Getting started

The client will accept the app token either as a parameter on initialization, or as an environment variable. Additionally a debug parameter can be set to enable verbose debugging.

require 'uclapi'

# using parameters
client = UCLAPI::Client.new(token: '...')

# using environment variables:
client = UCLAPI::Client.new

The client provides with direct access to every API call as documented in the developer documentation. Additionally it also provides some convenience methods.

# get a room
room = client.roombookings.rooms.first
# get the bookings for a room
bookings = room.bookings
# get the equipment for a room
equipment = room.equipment

Convenience methods


Maps to client.roombookings.bookings and passes along all the same parameters while automatically setting the roomid and siteid.


Maps to client.roombookings.equipment and passes along all the same parameters while automatically setting the roomid and siteid.


Maps to client.roombookings.room and passes along the roomid and siteid.


Maps to client.roombookings.bookings and passes along the roomid, siteid and page_token to fetch the next page.


Maps to client.roombookings.room and passes along the roomid and siteid.


GET /roombookings/rooms

This endpoint returns rooms and information about them. If you don’t specify any query parameters besides the token, all rooms will be returned.

More: Documentation

> rooms = client.roombookings.rooms
[#<UCLAPI::Room siteid="123" ....>, #<UCLAPI::Room siteid="123" ....>]
> rooms.first
UCLAPI::Room {
            :siteid => "123",
          :location => {
        "coordinates" => {
            "lat" => "51.523504",
            "lng" => "-0.134937"
            "address" => [
            [0] "74 Huntley Street",
            [1] "London",
            [2] "WC1E 6AU",
            [3] ""

            :roomid => "234",
          :sitename => "Medical School Building",
          :roomname => "Rockefeller Building 335",
         :automated => "P",
          :capacity => 20,
    :classification => "CR"
# optional provide any extra parameters
> rooms = client.roombookings.rooms(siteid: 123)

GET /roombookings/bookings

This endpoint shows the results to a bookings or space availability query. It returns a paginated list of bookings.

More: Documentation

> bookings = client.roombookings.bookings
[#<UCLAPI::Booking slotid="1234567" ....>, ...]
> bookings.first
UCLAPI::Booking {
         :siteid => "123",
       :end_time => "2018-02-01T12:00:00+00:00",
         :roomid => "456",
         :slotid => 1234567,
          :phone => nil,
       :roomname => "IOE - Bedford Way (20) - 790",
     :start_time => "2018-02-01T11:00:00+00:00",
        :contact => "Mr John Doe",
    :description => "Introduction to The UCL API",
     :weeknumber => 23.0
# optional provide any extra parameters
> bookings = client.roombookings.bookings(siteid: 374)
# to fetch the next page, just call next_page on any book
> next_bookings = bookings.first.next_page

GET /roombookings/equipment

This endpoint returns any equipment/feature information about a specific room. So, for example whether there is a Whiteboard or a DVD Player in the room.

More: Documentation

> equipment = client.roombookings.equipment(siteid: 123, roomid: 345)
[#<UCLAPI::Equipment description="White Board" ....>, ...]
> equipment.first
UCLAPI::Equipment {
    :description => "White Board",
           :type => "FF",
          :units => 1,
         :roomid => "335",
         :siteid => "374"

GET /search/people

This endpoint returns matching people and information about them. More: Documentation

> people = client.search.people(query: 'John')
[#<UCLAPI::People name="John Doe" ....>, ...]
> people.first
UCLAPI::People {
        :status => "Staff",
          :name => "John Doe",
         :email => "j.doe@ucl.ac.uk",
    :department => "UCL API Development"


  1. Fork the repo on GitHub
  2. Clone the project to your own machine
  3. Commit changes to your own branch
  4. Push your work back up to your fork
  5. Submit a Pull request so that we can review your changes


  • bundle install to get dependencies
  • rake to run tests
  • rake console to run a local console with the library loaded


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in this project is expected to follow the code of conduct.