
Examples written in Fanton and other languages (Java, Kotlin, etc.) to compare performance

Primary LanguageJava


Examples written in Fantom and other languages (Java, Kotlin, etc.) to compare performance


This program processes a directory of stock data files in directory C:\Users{username}\IBData{symbol}. The sample files, uploaded in rut.zip, are for the {symbol} RUT, so they should be placed in C:\Users{username}\IBData\RUT. These files have names like RUT_20130913.txt. Each file is a comma separated value file of ticks (1 tick every 5 seconds from 9:30am to 4pm). The first line is a header giving the column names. The other lines look like:


There is an additional file in C:\Users{username}\IBData\RUT named rut.csv. It is a file downloaded from finance.yahoo.com that contains lines which are the date, time, open, high, low, and close for a number of trading days (plus a couple of other columns). A typical line looks like:


The goal of the program is to compare the open, high, low, and close reported by yahoo for a given day to the open, high, low, and close computed from each tick file downloaded from Interactive Brokers for that day.