
Create a self signed X.509 certificate using OpenSSL.Net

Primary LanguageC#


This project uses the [OpenSSL.NET] (http://sourceforge.net/projects/openssl-net/) wrapper to create a self signed X.509 certificate. For further information see my [blog post] (http://marvinalpaca.com/blog/index.php/creating-self-signed-x-509-certificates-using-openssl-net/) on this subject.

The application performs the following steps:

  1. Create a new Certificate Authority (CA).
  2. Create Certificate Signing Request (CSR).
  3. Use the CA to sign the certificate request.
  4. Write the signed certificate out to file.


This project depends on the OpenSSL.Net wrapper and needs to be downloaded in order to use the application.

There are three DLLs used as part of the OpenSSL.Net wrapper:

  • ManagedOpenSsl.dll: This needs to be in the project references.
  • libeay32.dll: This file needs to be accessible by your project executable.
  • ssleay32.dll: This file also needs to be accessible by your project executable.

The OpenSSL.Net files can be downloaded [here] (http://sourceforge.net/projects/openssl-net/files/latest/download/).