
Contact database with tagging and categories in Wordpress using WP Conact Manager 0.5

Primary LanguageJavaScript


ncfoodnet.net is a project of Tes Thraves for keeping track of all the great sustainable community agriculture stuff happening in NC, with the support of George Chamales and Chris Blow. 

What we are trying to do:
Make a wordpress-based contact database that allows an administrator to create new records. Users can search for contacts (across all fields) and see contacts organized into an (large-ish) taxonomy of categories.

Next Todos: 
Integrate a big-ass map.

How it is setup:
The wordpress setup is using this theme: http://artisanthemes.com/themes/wp-contact-manager/ , which allows you to make a typical wordpress "post" into a "contact." The backend is using the custom write panel feature of wordpress as described here:


Included in the theme is a plugins.tgz that contains some optional and required plugins. You need to move these to DOCROOT/wp-content/plugins. The only one required is the post count plugin. This theme does not currently support wp 3.x.

The theme uses the Compass and Sass. 


To make edits to the theme, compile the screen.sass with the command: `compass watch` as per http://compass-style.org/docs/. 

Feedback at http://github.com/unthinkingly.