
Emits code crossreference data for Haskell sources.

Primary LanguageHaskellApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

The haskell-indexer package provides libs for preprocessing Haskell source code into a representation for easy entity cross-referencing, as well as a frontend for emitting entities for the Kythe indexing schema.

This is not an official Google product.

Supported systems

Indexing hosts:

  • Linux: supported - follow below documentation.
  • Windows, MacOS: didn't try - backend part likely compiles, wiring and Kythe frontend likely not (see #38).


  • GHC 7.10.3, 8.0.1, 8.0.2, 8.2.1

Build Status



Download Stack from http://docs.haskellstack.org


If you want to use the Kythe frontend, download a Kythe release and unpack it.

tar xzf kythe-v0.0.26.tar.gz -C /opt/
rm -r /opt/kythe
ln -s /opt/kythe-v0.0.26 /opt/kythe
chmod -R 755 /opt/kythe/web/ui  # It misses permission by default.

Version v0.0.26 is verified to work with Haskell indexer.

If you want to install Kythe in a different location to /opt/kythe then you should also set KYTHE_DIR to the location of the installation.

Protoc 3

Download the latest Proto compiler 3 release, unpack it and place the binary in the PATH.

unzip -j protoc-*-linux-x86_64.zip bin/protoc -d /usr/local/bin/

If you use have Nix installed and you use stack --nix, you do not need to do this.

Build the project

Use the following to build and run tests:

git clone --recursive https://github.com/google/haskell-indexer.git
cd haskell-indexer
# 8.17 -> GHC 8.0.2
# 6.30 -> GHC 7.10.3
export STACK_YAML=$(readlink -f stack-8.17.yaml)
stack build && stack test
# To test Kythe frontend:
pushd kythe-verification; stack install && ./test.sh; popd


To index a few packages, run:

export INDEXER_OUTPUT_DIR=/tmp/indexer-output
./build-stack.sh mtlparse cpu

The script adds a wrapper for the GHC compiler used by Stack (stack path --compiler-exe), does the indexing when ghc --make is specified on the command line to build a package. You can run build-stack.sh multiple times.

To serve the index at http://localhost:8080:

./serve.sh localhost:8080

If you get empty index, look at $INDEXER_OUTPUT_DIR/*.stderr files about possible indexing errors. Also, make sure that the *.entries files are not empty. If they are, it indicates that ghc_kythe_wrapper failed to index.

Indexing using Docker

If you plan to use the Dockerized build feature of stack, please install Docker. It is also advised to set up a docker wrapper script by following the instructions at the stack Docker security section.

The docker image has all C library dependencies so it's possible to use it to index the whole Stackage snapshot. See stack-build-docker.sh for a comprehensive example of indexing a Stackage snapshot, and serving a Kythe index.