My custom scoop recipes…stuff that I may PR to scoop-extras or scoop someday, if it even works…
Here are some recipes I want to make before I setup my next window machine:
- [ ] aspell
- [-] ack - forget it, just use ag
- [x] ag
- [ ] conkeror
- [ ] dotpeek
- [ ] exploded sysinternals suite, as well as the whole suite.
- [ ] fsharp, fsx
- [ ] git-tfs
- [ ] nemerle
- [ ] graphviz, umlgraph
- [ ] java, leiningen
I wish there were a way to define all the dotfiles I want in a JSON file or something like that, and say something like `scoop install mydotfiles` to get them all from github or wherever.
- I guess this isn’t a scoop problem per se, just something I want to do around the same time as using scoop to set up a machine.
- I’d like this to work across platforms and allow me to update.