This nextflow pipeline is a genome assembly polishing pipeline available for short and/or long reads. It use several different polishing and mapping tools and allow the complete polishing of a genome with the software of your choice. To use this pipeline, you need at least an initial assembly and short and/or long reads.
git clone --recursive
cd NextFlowPipeline
cd test
The pipeline is optimized to run on the genologin cluster (INRA Toulouse). If you run it locally or on other cluster, you may need to change some part of the code To test the pipeline, first make sure that Nextflow is installed then :
nextflow run ../ --longReads data/LongReads/SRR5065181.fastq.gz --lrPolish racon --lrNum 1 --shortReadsBwa1 data/ShortReads/SRR1706185.fastq.gz --srPolish pilon --srNum 1 --assembly data/Assembly/assembly.raw.fa --outdir ./TestPipeline/ --lineage enterobacteriales_odb9 --species E_coli_K12 --kat true
If you're running pipeline on clusters, verify the cluster nextflow version and the version in and :
If you have multiple longreads files you must first concatenate them and pass the final file as argument.
The default value of the pipeline are the one giving the best results on our training data (E.coli K12 with LongReads wtdbg2 assembly).
Long reads used:
Short reads used:
The typical command for running the pipeline is as follows:
nextflow run --longReads longReads.fq.gz --shortReadsLongranger /path/to/Data/ --assembly assembly.fa [options]
Mandatory arguments (minimum 1 reads file, can't use --shortReadsBwa and --shortReadsLongranger in the same run):
--longReads Path to long reads fasta or fastq .gz file. If you have more than one file, concatenate them
--shortReadsBwa1 Path to short reads file 1, using bwa as aligner
--shortReadsBwa2 Path to short reads file 2, using bwa as aligner
--shortReadsLongranger Path to short reads directory, using longranger as aligner
--assembly Path to fasta file of genome assembly to polish
Long Reads options :
--lrPolish Polisher to use with long reads: wtdbg2, racon, pilon, medaka (default value: racon)
--lrNum Number of long reads polishing to run (default value: 2)
--alignerExt Alignment file extension for polishing with racon: paf (reduce polished output quality, improve speed) or sam (default value: sam)
Short Reads options :
--srPolish Polisher to use with short reads: pilon, racon, freebayes or wtdbg2 (default value: pilon)
--srNum Number of short reads polishing to run (default value: 2)
--chunck Size of targets chuncks for parallelization with pilon (default value : 10000000)
--noChanges If "true", polish with pilon until there are no more changes (defaults value: false). Overwrite all short reads options
--sample If using "--shortReadsLongranger and a directory containing more than 2 reads files, precise the prefix of reads to analyse (--sample option from longranger align)
--poolseqSize Size of the poolSeq sample for poolSeq analysis
--pattern Maximum 0 for freebayes poolseq pattern (Eg: 3 = 0/0/0/1/..../1), for poolSeq analysis
Analysis and metrics options :
--lineage Lineage dataset used for BUSCO (if set : Run Busco quality after the last short reads polishing step)
--species Reference species to built Augustus annotation during BUSCO steps (default value: generic)
--allSteps Run BUSCO after each polishing steps (default value : false)
--kat If "true" run kat comp at the end of the pipeline (default value: false) for both long reads and short reads.
Output option :
--outdir The output directory where the results will be saved (default value : ./results/)