
GitHub submission guide

In this Readme, you will find a guide on how to fork this Repository, add files to it, and make a pull request to contribute your changes.

1. Login to your GitHub Account by heading over to

  • Open the current repo in a new tab.
  • Perform all operations in the newly opened tab, and follow the current tab for instructions.

2. Fork the Repository

  • In the newly opened tab, on the top-right corner, click on Fork
  • Enter the Repository Name as HTF23-Team-30 (your team number).
  • Then click Create Fork leaving all other fields to their default value.
  • After a few moments, you can view the repo.

3. Clone your Repository

  • Click on Code and from the dropdown menu copy your web URL in your forked Repository.
  • Now open terminal on your local machine.
  • Use the following command to clone your forked Repository:
  • git clone

4. Adding files to the Repository

  • While doing it for the first time, create a new branch for your changes.
  • git checkout -b branch-name
  • Add your files or make modifications to existing files.
  • Stage your changes:
  • git add .
  • Commit your changes:
  • git commit -m "Descriptive commit message"
  • Push changes to your fork
  • git push origin branch-name

5. Create a Pull Request

  • Finally, click on the Contribute button and choose Open Pull Request.
  • Leaving all fields to their default values, click on Create Pull Request.
  • Wait for a few moments, then you are all done

Thanks for participating!