AWS-CLI via Okta

We have built a simple Java application that generates temporary AWS credentials using AWS STS Assume roles, this enables AWS customers to seamlessly gain access to AWS resources using Okta to as a Single-Sign-On source.


Use git clone to clone the repository locally

###Configuring the application### It is essential that oktaAWSCLI.config be in the same directory as the oktaAWSCLI.jar file. The oktaAWSCLi config file holds information specific to each org and needs to be configured on an org to org basis.

Your Okta Org and AWS application url need to be added to your configuration file.

  • OKTA_ORG which is the url of your Okta org.
  • OKTA_AWS_APP_URL is the url link of your Okta AWS application url
  • Obtaining an AWS app url
    • Navigate to the Admin Dashboard of you Okta org
    • Select the Application tab and click you AWS Application
    • Under the General menu, scroll down to find the App Imbed Link section
    • Your link is located under Embed Link
  • Replace the example values in oktaAWSCLI.config with your values

###Running the application###

  • To run the application use the following command while in the directory containing the .jar file
  • java -jar oktaAWSCLI.jar