Ember CLI datepicker add-on

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The add-on provides you a date input component based on amazing bootstrap-datepicker library. It supports popup and inline mode, and can be used in Ember CLI applications.

It doesn't have any external dependecy except bootstrap-datepicker.

Online demo


If you are using Ember CLI 0.2.3 or higher, just run within your project directory:

ember install ember-cli-bootstrap-datepicker

If your Ember CLI version is greater than 0.1.5 and less than 0.2.3, run the following within your project directory:

ember install:addon ember-cli-bootstrap-datepicker

When your Ember CLI version is below 0.1.5, please run within your project directory:

npm install --save-dev ember-cli-bootstrap-datepicker
ember generate bootstrap-datepicker


Basic example:

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt}}

Use separate component for inline mode:

{{bootstrap-datepicker-inline value=expiresAt}}

The component supports many options of the bootstrap-datepicker library. Let me show you how to use them ✨

Available options


Type: Boolean Default: false

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt autoclose=true}}


Type: Boolean Default: false

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt calendarWeeks=true}}


Type: Boolean Default: false

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt clearBtn=true}}


Type: Array or String Default: "" or []

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt daysOfWeekDisabled="1,2"}}


Type: Date or String Default: Infinity (end of time)

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt endDate="01/01/2018"}}


Type: Boolean Default: true

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt forceParse=false}}


Type: String Default: 'mm/dd/yyyy'

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt format="dd.mm.yy"}}


Type: Boolean Default: true

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt keyboardNavigation=false}}


Type: String Default: 'en'

When you need another language, you should import a locale file using your Brocfile.js. Just import bower_components/bootstrap-datepicker/js/locales/bootstrap-datepicker.<LANGUAGE_CODE>.js, e.g.:

// Brocfile.js
{{! somewhere in template }}
{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt language="de"}}


Type: Number or String Default: 0 or 'days'

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt minViewMode="months"}}


Type: String Default: 'auto'

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt orientation="right"}}


Type: Date or String Default: -Infinity (beginning of time)

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt startDate="01/01/2014"}}


Type: Number or String Default: 0 or 'month'

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt startView="decade"}}


Type: Boolean or String Default: false

If true or “linked”, displays a “Today” button at the bottom of the datepicker to select the current date. If true, the “Today” button will only move the current date into view; if “linked”, the current date will also be selected. More...

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt todayBtn=true}}


Type: Boolean Default: false

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt todayHighlight=true}}


Type: Number Default: 0 (Sunday)

{{bootstrap-datepicker value=expiresAt weekStart=1}}



The changeDate action is triggered when the selected date changes. It can be specified like this:

{{bootstrap-datepicker changeDate="changeDateAction"}}

The action can be handled by a parent component, controller or route:

actions: {
  changeDateAction(date) {
    // do sth with the new date


The clearDate action is triggered when the date is cleared (e.g. when the "clear" button is clicked).

{{bootstrap-datepicker clearDate="clearDateAction"}}

The action can be handled by a parent component, controller or route:

actions: {
  clearDateAction() {
    // do sth

focus-in & focus-out

The focus-in and focus-out actions are triggered when the respective focus events occur on the input field.

{{bootstrap-datepicker focus-in="focusInAction" focus-out="focusOutAction"}}

The actions can be handled by a parent component, controller or route:

actions: {
  focusInAction(component, event) {
    // handle event
  focusOutAction(component, event) {
    // handle event

hide & show

The hide and show actions are triggered when the datepicker is either hidden or displayed.

{{bootstrap-datepicker hide="hideAction" show="showAction"}}

The actions can be handled by a parent component, controller or route:

actions: {
  hideAction() {
    // datepicker is hidden
  showAction() {
    // datepicker is shown


  1. Fork it
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b my-new-feature)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some feature')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin my-new-feature)
  5. Create a new Pull Request


The add-on is based on bootstrap-datepicker.


MIT License