
Macros for structured programming in DECsystem MACRO-10


MACRO-10 Structured Macros

The macro definitions in this project allow structured programming control constructs to be used in DECsystem-10 assembly code.

More about structured macros for programming assembler

  • Robert P. Nix's contribution to the DECUS Program Library
  • "Macro Control Structures for Structured Programming in ALC", Connally 1975

More about TOPS-10 and historical simulation

To see it in action

  • You must have a working TOPS-10 host with MACRO-10 and LINK-10 support.
  • You must have a means to move text files into TOPS-10 (Kermit, for example).
  • Copy all files in the STRUC2 folder into a TOPS-10 build directory.
  • Issue command "DO CLEAN" then "DO BUILD" to yield STRUC2.UNV.
  • Issue command "DO TEST" to assemble tests.

Status of this implementation

  • This project implements all intended programming macros.
  • This repo needs cleanup, better documentation, and better tests.

Comments welcome to Calvin Miracle, cbmira01@gmail.com