
Notes on Oracle VirtualBox and Bitnami virtual machines.


Notes on Oracle VirtualBox and Bitnami virtual machines.

Install Oracle VirtualBox on Windows 7 or 10

  • check Windows 64-bit
  • check at least 4GB memory
  • enable virtualization and VT-d in BIOS; save settings
  • recycle power and reboot may be needed after BIOS setup
  • check HyperV disabled
  • install Oracle VirtualBox
  • check 64-bit guests can be hosted by Oracle VirtualBox
  • check host IP address appears on

Install Oracle VirtualBox on Mac

Install SSH tools for Windows

  • Putty
  • WinScp

Install SSH tools for Mac

Bitnami LAMP stack VM instructions

  • download the Bitnami LAMP stack OVA (Oracle VirtualBox Archive)
  • check MD5 hash: http://onlinemd5.com/
  • start Oracle VirtualBox, import OVA
  • check guest: Type="Linux", Version="Debian 64-bit"
  • check guest: video memory >= 24 MB
  • check guest: network card set to host-only
  • boot the guest (look for double-splash)
  • note application password on the splash screen
  • login to guest (bitnami/bitnami)
  • note guest's IP address (sudo ifconfig)
  • set Bitnami user password if desired
  • enable sshd on Bitnami guest
  • sudo reboot
  • sudo shutdown -h now

Login to LAMP stack

  • create Putty connections to the VM for console and tunnel
  • create a WinSCP connection to the VM for file transfer
  • check all stack services are available: sudo /opt/bitnami/ctlscript.sh status

Debian administration notes

  • enable ssh daemon
    sudo rm -f /etc/ssh/sshd_not_to_be_run
    sudo systemctl enable ssh
    sudo systemctl start ssh

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