
Q: Is knitcitations actually using knitr?

Closed this issue · 2 comments

As I was curious to how this package worked, I got to wonder how 'knitr' is used, since it is listed under 'Depends' and hence being a required package. Except for the vignettes, is 'knitcitations' actually using any functionality of 'knitr', or is it their just for being convenient? When I move it to Suggests: and remove its imports from NAMESPACE everything still works, i.e. 'R CMD check' does not complain.

Correct. also, you'll see knitr is only in suggests on the current (v1)

Carl Boettiger

sent from mobile device; my apologies for any terseness or typos
On Jun 14, 2014 4:59 PM, "Henrik Bengtsson" notifications@github.com

As I was curious to how this package worked, I got to wonder how 'knitr'
is used, since it is listed under 'Depends' and hence being a required
package. Except for the vignettes, is 'knitcitations' actually using any
functionality of 'knitr', or is it their just for being convenient? When I
move it to Suggests: and remove its imports from NAMESPACE everything still
works, i.e. 'R CMD check' does not complain.

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Didn't look at the branches, but now I see. Thanks.