
Primary LanguageDockerfileApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Swift for Tensorflow Docker stacks


Swift for Tensorflow Docker image stack hierarchy

blockdiag -T svg docker-image-hierarchy.diag

Project goals

  1. Replicate all of the functionality of Google's Swift for Tensorflow images (shown on the left in the overview diagram)
  2. Replicate some of the functionality of Jupyter's Docker Stacks images (shown on the right in the overview diagram)
  3. Replicate some of the functionality of Google Colab (shown on the bottom left in the overview diagram)

Image details


  • Built from the nvidia/cuda:10.2-cudnn7-devel-ubuntu18.04 image
  • Comparable to the google/base-deps image (see below for differences)

Compared to google/base-deps

  • tini as the container entrypoint
  • No gym, numpy, matplotlib (installed in swift-jupyter below)


  • Built from the swift-jupyter-base image
  • Minimally functional Jupyter Notebook server
  • Swift for Tensorflow kernel
  • Comparable to the google/swift-jupyter and jupyter/base-notebook images (see below for differences)

Compared to google/swift-jupyter

  • tini as the container entrypoint
  • No Python 2.7 integration
  • Node installed for better Jupyter Lab support
  • Preinstalled packages:
    • pip: gym, ipykernel, jupyterhub, jupyterlab, jupyter-kernel-gateway, jupyter-kernel-test, notebook, matplotlib, numpy, pandas

Compared to jupyter/base-notebook

  • No start.sh, start-notebook.sh, or start-singleuser.sh
  • No conda installation
  • Only root user
  • No self-signed HTTPS certificate
  • No sudo (passwordless or otherwise)
  • None of the common features
  • Many of the binary dependencies not installed


  • Built from the swift-jupyter image
  • Comparable to the jupyter/tensorflow-notebook image (see below for differences)
  • Preinstalled packages:
    • pip: beautifulsoup, bokeh, bottleneck, cloudpickle, cython, dask, dill, h5py, ipywidgets, ipympl, keras, numba, numexpr, matplotlib, pandas, patsy, protobuf, scikit-image, scikit-learn, scipy, seaborn, sqlalchemy, statsmodels, sympy, tables (pytables), tensorflow, vincent, widgetsnbextensions, xlrd
    • apt-get: dvipng (for latex labels), emacs, ffmpeg (for matplotlib animation), hdf5, inkscape, jed, nano, netcat, openblas, python-dev, texlive, vim

Compared to jupyer/scipy-notebook

  • No facets installation
  • Tensorflow installed


Docker Buildkit

To improve Docker image building, use the new Docker Buildkit system by either setting the DOCKER_BUILDKIT environment variable or configuring the Docker daemon.json. The simplest way is by prepending DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 to your docker build command:

DOCKER_BUILDKIT=1 docker build --file ./swift-jupyter-scipy/Dockerfile --tag ctmnt/swift-jupyter-scipy .