- 3
Comparison to CUE?
#30 opened by 0Grit - 16
Tracking implementations
#29 opened by anweiss - 1
Decoding a group with optional entry
#25 opened by oliviermartin - 3
Clarification of group in structure
#24 opened by oliviermartin - 1
- 1
- 4
Include support
#23 opened by oliviermartin - 3
Specify group matching
#14 opened by jyasskin - 5
cddl tool group choice error
#5 opened by ii8 - 0
Add contributor section
#9 opened by cabo - 1
IANA registry for control operators?
#17 opened by jyasskin - 1
Which data model do .eq and .ne use?
#18 opened by jyasskin - 4
.size questions
#15 opened by jyasskin - 0
- 2
- 0
Specify types of literal numbers
#16 opened by jyasskin - 2
Incorrect definition of "entry"
#12 opened by jyasskin - 0
Incorrect statement about nested map
#13 opened by jyasskin - 0
Security considerations: complexity warnings
#11 opened by cabo - 0
Make it more explicit `foo:` is and stays a bareword
#10 opened by cabo - 1
Term 'prelude' needs introduction
#21 opened by BurtHarris - 6
Support for co-occurrence constraints
#22 opened by anweiss - 1
- 1
Define the regexp flavor
#3 opened by cabo - 1
Add more text about HSM Capabilities
#6 opened by henkbirkholz - 2
Describe how to use CDDL with JSON
#1 opened by cabo - 2
Figure out a way to show CBOR objects embedded as byte strings in extended diagnostic notation
#2 opened by cabo