
config files for bash, completions, git, vim

Primary LanguageVim Script

Chris' Dot Files

Forked from cspickert/dotfiles.

…in turn forked from ryanb/dotfiles.


  1. Bash 4+ (and bash_completion, if desired)
  2. Cmake

Chris' idiot-proof pre-installation on OSX

  1. Download XCode from the Mac App Store or download and install only the latest commandline tools from the Apple Developer site

  2. Get homebrew

  3. brew install bash (installs to /opt/homebrew/bin)

  4. sudo vim /etc/shells

  5. Add the bash from homebrew to the list:

  6. chsh -s /opt/homebrew/bin/bash

  7. Open a new terminal window or restart the app


Simply run the following commands:

git clone --recursive git://github.com/cbosco/dotfiles ~/.dotfiles
cd ~/.dotfiles
/opt/homebrew/bin/bash ./install.bash

The install script will create symbolic links to files in your home directory (.bashrc, .bash_profile, etc.). If files exist at these paths, you will be prompted to handle the conflict by overwriting, skipping or aborting the installation.

I recommend moving any existing shell configuration into ~/.localrc, which will be sourced if it exists.


After installing, open vim and run:



This Vim plugin requires a compile step (after installing cmake):

cd ~/.vim/bundle/YouCompleteMe

Sensible OS X defaults

When setting up a new Mac, you may want to set some sensible OS X defaults:



(A reminder to myself)

  1. Switch to Pro profile
  2. In profile pane, go to Keyboard, and check Use Option as Meta key


Anything not immediately available on OSX

  • Bash 4 (see above)
  • tmux (get via brew)
  • cmake (get via brew)


I have used these files on Mac, Linux and FreeBSD systems. I recommend putting any system-specific configuration, as well as anything else you don't want in your repo in ~/.localrc.

-- @cspickert


  • A nice prompt
  • Bash history synchronization for multiple shells (via exploiting PROMPT_COMMAND)
  • Some helpful aliases (including git)
  • Configuration files for tmux, screen and the python interpreter
  • Mac-friendly inputrc file
  • OSX settings scripted (from @mathiasbynens)