This repo contains utilities and scripts for working with Detectron 2.
Machine learning "tests" should be treated like a laboratory experiment, even if it takes place in a computer. To that end a notebook should be kept giving detail enough to re-create the experiments. To facilitate this, experiments are specified using experiment configuration files (config files).
A config file is written in a structured format called "YAML". A good introduction to YAML is given here, but I'll breeze over the basics here. YAML files are essentially composed of a set of keys and values:
The above is a single node, containing a single value. These can be nested:
In the above example I used the YAML to describe a simple file structure. This is a good way of thinking about it - we know how folders contain files and other folders which is similar to how a YAML "node" contains values or other nodes. Also, similar to a file structure, we can specify a path to a particular folder, or to a particular node in YAML's case:
The above behaviour is not strictly part of YAML, but of a python library called yacs
. We use yacs
to read in yaml files into a form we can easily manipulate in python.
Each Detectron experiment is specified using a config file. These files contain information about the model, how it's trained, the data it uses and so on. A config file is shown below:
PARENT: "zoo:COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_R_50_FPN_3x.yaml"
ROOT: "/media/raid/cboyle/datasets"
NAMES: "PolyS"
- "T.ResizeShortestEdge(short_edge_length=[640, 672, 704, 736, 768, 800], max_size=1333, sample_style='choice')"
- "T.RandomFlip()"
- "T.RandomBrightness(0.9, 1.1)"
- "T.RandomContrast(0.9, 1.1)"
MAX_ITER: 5000
- 4000
- 4500
SEED: -1
ACTION: "train"
This config file has a lot going on, let's unpack it. First off, it specifies a PARENT
config file. This sets a file which should be loaded first. Values loaded in the parent config are overwritten by subsequent configs. In this way we can have experiments which "derive" from each other. For example, we could have a config containing information about the data location, and then we could have a number of derived configs each testing different training settings. In this case, the PARENT
key has the value of a config contained within detectron itself (in its "zoo" - signified at the start of the file path). The model zoo configs can be seen here.
After the PARENT
key, we have a DATASET
node which specifies the root folder containing all the dataset information. You shouldn't need to change this from the default. Then it specifies a dataset to use during training, "PolyS". It doesn't need to only be a single dataset, you can specify multiple datasets as a list. (A list is specified in e.g. the AUGMENTATIONS
Next is the DATA
node which contains information on how the data are processed - namely augmentations.
Followed by the SOLVER
node - this defines some very important parameters, see below section on training parameters.
Then we have a SEED
node - this specifies the seed passed to the random number generator. This is to aid reproducibility. (However, reproducibility is not guaranteed: setting the seed will only help.) If you set SEED
to a negative number, the seed itself will be randomly chosen. The finalised config is saved along with the training results. So that if you want to recreate the experiment later on, you have all the required information (including the seed used) to do so.
Finally, we have an ACTION
node - this specifies what we want to do. At the moment, only the value train
is supported. In future, predict
and cross_validate
will be implemented.
More information on what can be specified in a config file is given in dtron_cb/ and in detectron 2 itself.
The datasets root directory specified by default (and in the config file above) is /media/raid/cboyle/datasets
. This directory contains the metadata (COCO format json files contianing annotations and file listings) for the datasets. The dataset name is the name of these metadata json files without the extension.
For example, if you annotated images of polystyrene spheres, downloaded the json file, named it poly_spheres.json
and then placed it in /media/raid/cboyle/datasets/poly_spheres.json
: you would specify the dataset with the name poly_spheres
in the config file.
config node contains a few very important parameters. MAX_ITERS
is roughly equivalent to number of epochs and defines how long training proceeds. CHECKPOINT_PERIOD
sets how long to wait between checkpointing the model (i.e. saving the model to disk). The training learning rate is not fixed - it is set by a scheduler. This scheduler starts at a particular learning rate and then decays it in steps. The steps are specified in STEPS
as iteration numbers. The step values are powers of a parameter GAMMA
(left to default value of 0.1 in the above config). Before the scheduler kicks in, the learning rate is dropped linearly for a number of iterations given by WARMUP_ITERS
There are many more SOLVER
paramets given in detectron, I just picked out some important ones here.
With the configuration set up, we only need to run it. We run an experiment using the run(...)
function from a python script. I would create a new script for each experiment or set of experiments we want to undertake.
from dtron_cb import run
if __name__ == '__main__':
The above reads in the config file specified and then runs that experiment. As it is a script, we're not limited to running one experiment at a time: we can run many, one after the other automatically. This is one of the great things about "in-silico" experimentation: runs can be automated.
from glob import glob
from dtron_cb import run
if __name__ == '__main__':
for fn in glob('experiments/exp_polys_*.yaml'):
The above will search for any file which matches the pattern "experiments/exp_polys_*.yaml" - where the asterisk can expand to anything (or to nothing).
By default, the training results will be put into a folder organised by date: training_results/YYYY-MM-DD_HH-MM-SS/*
. Contained in that results folder are the original config file, a note of the model structure, a json file containing the training metrics, some metadata in another json file (not very useful - config is better source of information) as well as some plots and (once a checkpoint has been reached) the saved model.