A drop-in replacement for UILabel, which automatically adds a scrolling marquee effect when the label's text does not fit inside the specified frame
- arden深圳市土椒科技有限公司
- aveniusKarlsruhe, Germany
- benzhemin
- bluemapucweb
- canahanmyTouchPlay
- cbpowell
- cetiumBeijing ,China
- chunyeahShanghai, China
- daviddelmonteEarth
- dkao1222Taiwan
- gshavivStaring at the monitor
- hubertwangTaipei
- hyuni
- iDevelopperFrance
- jackyglony
- jhcloos
- jnhoodlum
- JotWee
- kOldPortugal
- Koriteas
- mayuluISV
- miravingLviv (Ukraine)
- mohsinalimatilol
- MrJustin7
- Mustafa-Kamal
- RayZhang
- replore
- selloo
- stellz@tentouchapps
- StrongerShenMIT-MobileIT Business Integrated Co., Ltd.
- SuiFeng
- sujiewen
- tu-cao
- weiShine
- xingfukunCN
- yao201212