
Running the scripts to encode variants, filter by coverage, and standardize covariates.

Primary LanguageJupyter NotebookMIT LicenseMIT


We use two environments. The main environment is called torch and includes a pytorch installaction, numpy, pandas, and the custom python package vencoder. This workflow is always run assuming this environment is avtivated. The vast majority of the workflow depends only on the aforementioned packages. The parts that don't rely on bcftools, which is siloed in its own (lean) conda environment.

snakemake --use-conda --conda-create-envs-only

vencoder package

See vencoder.

pip install git+https://github.com/cbreenmachine/vencoder

Required Files

To run the pipeline, a few starting files are neccessary:

  1. Variant call files in dataRaw/variant-calls/xxx.pass.vcf are VCFs that passed quality filters
  2. Methylation count files in dataRaw/methylation/xxx.bed have columns chrom, start, end, methylated, coverage.
  3. A chromosome renaming mapping in dataRaw/dbSNP/N_to_chrN.txt which has one line per autosome like 1 chr1. This is used to conver dbSNP data (which used NCBI convention of 1, 2, 3 to label the first three chromosomes) to the system in these VCFs.
  4. ENCODE files. (xargs -L 1 curl -O -J -L < files.txt)

A reference genome and dbSNP data is downloaded automatically.


Because snakemake needs to know the output files beforehand, and in this workflow the output files depend on randomization, we need to run the following snippet before the workflow.

python scripts/randomize_samples.py \
        --n_train 185 \
        --n_valid 11 \
        --n_test 185 \
        --ofile "dataDerived/randomization.csv"

Thereafter, you should be able to run (assuming environments are setup correctly)

snakemake --use-conda -n -p --rerun-triggers mtime


dataRaw/ contains three sub-directories: methylation/, which contains files labeled {sample_id}.bed; variant-calls/, which contains VCF files similarly named {sample_id}.pass.vcf; and phenotypes/ which contains a CSV with sample covariates such as age, sex, BMI, and disease status. sample_ids are three-digit numbers.

dataDerived/ contains the processed (encoded) data. Files are named as {sample_id}.{chromosome}.{encoding_scheme}.pt. Briefly, these files contain tensors

scripts/ contains R and Python scripts to munge data. It would be best practice to make this all python, but I'm sticking with what I know for now.

snakemake --rerun-triggers mtime -n