Stupid simple element DOM management. For basic manipulation.
Providing wrappers for:
- DOM elements: setting, getting html
- Input elements: setting, getting values
- Basic event handling for DOM elements
- Form field handling
This isn't actually loaded into NPM right now so just use a github installation
npm install git+
Provides wrappers for DOM elements for easy data access an event maniplation.
Assuming you have the following HTML:
<div id="el-1">
Some Text!
<input id="input-1" />
const { El } = require('@cbrews/dom');
// Element creation
const el1 = new El('el-1');
console.log(el1.html()); // "Some Text!"
el1.html('Hello, World!'); // Updates element body
// Input element creation
const el2 = new El('el-2');
el2.value('Input Text'); // Sets input field value
el2.on('change', _ => {
Forms allow for some additional handling and shortcuts:
<form id="my-form">
<input name="name" />
<input type="submit" />
const { Form } = require('@cbrews/dom');
const f1 = new Form('my-form');
// Handle submit and get fields
f1.submit(e => {
const name = f1.getField('name');
alert(`Hello, ${name}!`);
For full API details, please read the API specifications: