
MagicMirror Module to show Sonarr activity

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Module: Sonarr Activity

This is a module for MagicMirror, intended to show the latest downloaded episodes from Sonarr.

Installing the module

Clone this repository in your ~/MagicMirror/modules/ folder ( $ cd ~MagicMirror/modules/ ):

git clone https://github.com/s-cotton/MMM-Sonarr-Activity.git

Using the module

To use this module, add it to the modules array in the config/config.js file:

modules: [
    module: 'MMM-Sonarr-Activity',
    position: 'bottom_left',
    header: 'Recent Sonarr Activity',
    config: {
        sonarrProtocol: "http",
        sonarrHost: "localhost",
        sonarrPort: "8989",
        sonarrAPIKey: "",
        perPage: 15,
        scrollTimeout: 10000,
        scrollEffect: 'fade',
        updateInterval: 300000,

Configuration options

The following properties can be configured:

Option Description
sonarrProtocol http or https
This value is REQUIRED
sonarrHost localhost or FQDN
This value is REQUIRED
sonarrPort 8989 is the default, 80 if you are using a FQDN
This value is REQUIRED
sonarrAPIKey API Key from Sonarr Installation
This value is REQUIRED
perPage Number of Updates to read from Sonarr. Default value is 15
scrollTimeout How long to show each update. Default value is 10 seconds (10000)
scrollEffect Scroll Effect between items, possible values are:
"fade", "fadeout", "none", "scrollHorz"
Default value is "scrollHorz"
updateInterval How long between data calls to Sonarr. Default value is 15 minutes (300000)