
Primary LanguageJavaScript

How to implement Team 3’s ParkHere:

  1. Download ionic Download v1.3.2. You can also clone it on GitHub a. Alternatively, if you have node installed and npm functionality you can run the command: npm install -g ionic b. You must also install cordova: npm install -g cordova
  2. cd into ParkHere then cd into myApp
  3. Ensure that the app is compiled (optional, this should already be done) npm build android
  4. If you have the andrid simulator installed and configured on android studio run: ionic run android a. This will run the app on the android studio b. Alternatively, if for some reason the android simulator is not working, you can also run the app in a browser by running: ionic serve

Note: The server side code is already hosted on an extenal digital ocean server. It is already running; thus, you do not have to do aything to set this up