
Lightweight, simple, modular JACK synth in C++

Primary LanguageC++MIT LicenseMIT

libwaffle : Lightweight, simple, modular JACK synth in C++

 Github: http://github.com/blajzer/libwaffle
 Homepage: http://brettlajzer.com/wiki/LibWaffle

  * jack >= 0.116.1
  * liblo (some new version)
  * make
  * POSIX system (for the example)

  Run "make".

  1. Start up jackd (qjackctl works well).
  2. Run test.sh
  3. Connect waffle up to the output.
  4. Listen for sound. 

 Using the API:
  1. Make an instance of Waffle, passing in an optional name for the JACK client.
  2. Make up some modules into a patch (see example). Cycles will cause problems. The patch should be a DAG. Don't share modules across patches.
  3. Add the patch using waffle's add() method, then call waffle's start() method with the name of the patch.