PS C:\temp> Import-Module .\Add-URLtoUmbrella.psm1
- If you want to install the module for long-term use
- See Microsoft documentation.
- Shortcut - just copy to its own folder in this location: $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules
PS C:\temp> copy .\Add-URLtoUmbrella.psm1 $Env:ProgramFiles\WindowsPowerShell\Modules\Add-URLtoUmbrella\Add-URLtoUmbrella.psm1
Add-URLtoUmbrella -u
Add-URLtoUmbrella -u,
- Enter any type of domain, with or without paths
- The script manipulates the input to isolate the domain from input.
- The script generates a URL from input by adding "http://" before the domain if protocol is not specified.
- This is because both domain and URL are required by API for submission.
- Script checks to see if the URL submitted is in the allow list you maintain: (
- Umbrella Domain Acceptance Process already sorts the domains and compares against the Alexa top 1000
- Domain: the domain of your input
- URL: the URL of your input (may be a composite made by prepending "http://"
- Allowed?: Was this domain found on your allow list
- Result: The domain is displayed and whether or not it was added to Cisco Umbrella successfully.