
Detect images in a video stream and execute automated actions.

Primary LanguageRust


Detect images in a video stream and execute automated actions.

Use case

Triggering Ad insertion on an AWS MediaLive Channel when a slate image is present in the video feed.

Diagram showing usage of Hawkeye

Running locally

Running the Worker directly with Docker

The worker can be run independently with Docker or directly on the host machine.

Build Worker:

docker build -f worker.Dockerfile -t hawkeye-worker:0.0.1 .
docker run -p 5000:5000/udp -p 3030:3030 -v /home/user/dev/hawkeye/fixtures:/local -it hawkeye-worker:0.0.1 /local/watcher.json

Running the full Hawkeye application in Minikube

The full Hawkeye application consists of a REST API that manages the Workers using the Kubernetes API.

First we build the API docker image:

docker build -f api.Dockerfile -t hawkeye-api:0.0.1 .

Prometheus metrics

The Worker expose metrics in the standard /metrics path for Prometheus to harvest.

$ curl http://localhost:3030/metrics

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Default Description
HAWKEYE_ENV local dev/prod/whatever you want
HAWKEYE_SENTRY_DSN the DSN url to the Sentry project to use
HAWKEYE_SENTRY_ENABLED 0 "1" or 0 will toggle Sentry initialization