Xamarin Chat Bot Challenge

Create a Xamarin cross platform app with Microsoft Bot Framework.

Your solution must have the following:

A button. A webview. A chat bot.

Glue everything together


  1. Create a Chat Bot (if you already did, skip to step 2, else refer to https://github.com/cbtham/botsays )

  2. Refer to this guide to setup Facebook authentication.


    Tips: Create a new Azure Mobile App. You can use any platform you want. Refer https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/azure/app-service-mobile/app-service-mobile-android-get-started (right hand side to change platform)

  3. Create an empty Xamarin project.

  4. Add a button to the MainPage.

  5. Add the logic - upon authenticated, navigate to the second page which contains a webview. You can choose your platform of choice.


  6. The webview loads the chat bot.

Hint: Publish the bot as direct line/webchat to get the iframe URL. The iframe URL should be your webview source.

Good Luck!!