
Primary LanguageShell

Distributed AI Model Training on Batch AI

Scoping Statement

Project Name

Team 13 - Distributed AI Model Training


  1. Bruno Medina - Lead SE (Infrastructure, Containers, Linux, Bash, Azure CLI, Python)
  2. Stephanie Marker - SE - (some containers and ML, familiar with batchai)
  3. Vy Ta - SE (Infra/Containers/Bash/Scaling) - Distributed Training with CNTK
  4. Karol Zak - SE - Azure Batch AI, deep learning
  5. Ivan Shaporov - TensorFlow (autoencoders/rnn/conv nets)
  6. Claudia Nadolny - SE, work with Containers, interested in learning more about ML
  7. Olga Liahovich - SE & PM
  8. Cheng Bin Tham - SE - (proficient in cognitive services, can help in infra)
  9. Alyssa Ong - SE, expertise in ML (Keras/TF)
  10. Benjamin Reed - "The PM" (best PM ever!)

Challenge Statement

Target Deliverables

Key Questions

  1. Is it better to use Containers?
  2. What are the best options for host & transferdata? (TBs)

Expected Learnings

Leverage Plan