
cudaError 78

Opened this issue · 6 comments

I don't work Cudaminer

cudaminer -o stratum+tcp://jp.lapool.me:3015 -u okada.a -p 0908
*** CudaMiner for nVidia GPUs by Christian Buchner ***
This is version 2014-02-28 (beta)
based on pooler-cpuminer 2.3.2 (c) 2010 Jeff Garzik, 2012 pooler
Cuda additions Copyright 2013,2014 Christian Buchner
LTC donation address: LKS1WDKGED647msBQfLBHV3Ls8sveGncnm
BTC donation address: 16hJF5mceSojnTD3ZTUDqdRhDyPJzoRakM
YAC donation address: Y87sptDEcpLkLeAuex6qZioDbvy1qXZEj4
[2017-09-18 19:59:08] NVML GPU monitoring is not available.
[2017-09-18 19:59:08] 1 miner threads started, using 'scrypt' algorithm.
[2017-09-18 19:59:08] Starting Stratum on stratum+tcp://jp.lapool.me:3015
[2017-09-18 19:59:09] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaFree(0)' (salsa_kernel.cu line 242)

[2017-09-18 19:59:09] GPU #0: GeForce GTX 1060 6GB with compute capability 6.1
[2017-09-18 19:59:09] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaDeviceSetCacheConfig(kernel->cache_config())' (salsa_kernel.cu line 431)

[2017-09-18 19:59:09] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaDeviceSetSharedMemConfig(kernel->shared_mem_config())' (salsa_kernel.cu line 432)

[2017-09-18 19:59:09] GPU #0: interactive: 0, tex-cache: 0 , single-alloc: 0
[2017-09-18 19:59:09] GPU #0: 32 hashes / 4.0 MB per warp.
[2017-09-18 19:59:10] GPU #0: Performing auto-tuning (Patience...)
[2017-09-18 19:59:10] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaMalloc((void **) &d_idata, mem_size)' (salsa_kernel.cu line 609)

[2017-09-18 19:59:10] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaMalloc((void **) &d_odata, mem_size)' (salsa_kernel.cu line 610)

[2017-09-18 19:59:11] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaMemcpy(d_idata, h_idata, mem_size, cudaMemcpyHostToDevice)' (salsa_kernel.cu line 615)

[2017-09-18 19:59:11] GPU #0: maximum total warps (BxW): 0
[2017-09-18 19:59:11] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaFree(d_odata)' (salsa_kernel.cu line 745)

[2017-09-18 19:59:11] GPU #0: cudaError 78 (a PTX JIT compilation failed) calling 'cudaFree(d_idata)' (salsa_kernel.cu line 746)

[2017-09-18 19:59:11] GPU #0: 0.00 hash/s with configuration T0x0
[2017-09-18 19:59:11] GPU #0: using launch configuration T0x0
[2017-09-18 19:59:12] workio thread dead, waiting for workers...
[2017-09-18 19:59:12] worker threads all shut down, exiting.

Any thoughts?

Thank you for your reply.
Where can I add it to Makefile(Makefile.am)?

I am using linux, so I will try to write Makefile

Thanks many times
Problem solved with your advice and http://denor.daa.jp/steamos%E3%81%A7cudaminer