
WideOrbit Powershell Module

Primary LanguagePowerShell


WideOrbit Powershell Module

This is a collection of Powershell functions used to interact with the WideOrbit API. Most of the functions (right now) are geared towards bulk metadata/inventory management.

##Installation Powershell V3 or newer required To install to your personal modules folder (e.g. ~\Documents\WindowsPowerShell\Modules), run:

iex (new-object System.Net.WebClient).DownloadString('https://raw.github.com/areynolds77/WideOrbit/master/Install.ps1')

OR Download the 'Install.ps1' file and execute it.

Once you have executed the install script, you should see the WideOrbit module available for use--

Get-Module -ListAvailable

General Help:

All commands support the following standard flags -whatif -Confirm -Debug -Verbose

All commands also have documentation built-in. If you want to see more information about how a particular funciton works, simply type:

Get-Help $function
Get-Help Export-MediaAssets 



Retreives a list of all the media assets in a provided WideOrbit category, and outputs their respective metadata. The user can also choose to backup the selected media assets to a provided folders.


Get-MediaAsset returns all metadata about a selected media asset. If the media asset can not be found, an error status is returned.


Get-AllRadioStations returns information about any radio stations hosted on a WideOrbit Central Server. If the -detailed flag is enabled, the function will also return information about each category assigned to that workstation (and each categories individual properties), as well as a list of workstations assigned to that radio station. If the -export flag is enabled, this data will be exported to a series of csv datafiles.


Get-ScheduleByDate returns all of the objects within a days schedule, including playable entries, synch points, traffic merges etc.


Remove-CueAudio is used to remove audio before cue markers in WideOrbit media asset files. This function will query a WO Central Server for information about a specified media asset, and then check to see if there is a cue marker specified. If there is a cue marker, the function will copy the media asset to a temporary folder and use ffmpeg to remove any audio before the cue marker. The file will then be re-imported into WideOrbit, after which the function update the media asset metadata with the correct timer markers.


Remove-MediaAsset returns deletes a provided media asset. If the media asset can not be found, an error status is returned.


Search-RadioStationContent mimics the functionality of Audio Finder, but with a few key benefits--you can see more than 500 results at a time, and you are able to see all metadata fields.


Deletes media assets from WideOrbit according to a supplied WOTraffic purge file. Will export a csv data file listing deleted files. Files can be backed up before deletion. Supports common paramaters -verbose, -whatif, and -confirm.


  • Flesh out documentation + add examples
  • Add examples of chained functions (i.e. Import-Csv MediaAssets.csv | Remove-MediaAsset)
  • Only some of the functions are returning output as an object--all function outputs should be objects
  • Synch-WOPurge should work on any input object--right now MediaAssets must be in the G column, would be nice if it could detect the appropriate column
  • Imporve verbose/debug logging--there should be a standard set of messages
  • Add Update-MediaAsset
  • How to: access & edit DoW/timer values