tvsews is an R package that provides code and data for a whole-lake fertilization experiment that caused an algal bloom in order to compared the performance of early warning statistics (EWS) in temporal and spatial data.
You can install tvsews from GitHub with:
# install.packages("devtools")
To install the package and build a vignette that carries out analyses and displays results for an accepted manuscript (note this will take a few minutes to run):
devtools::install_github("cbuelo/tvsews", build_vignettes = T)
Example results from most recent experiment:
ex_data <- ts_data %>%
filter(Year >= 2018) %>%
select(Lake, Year, DOY, BGA_HYLB)
ex_bloom_fert_dates <- bloom_fert_dates %>%
filter(Year >= 2018 & Lake == "R")
time_series = ex_data,
bloom_fert_df = ex_bloom_fert_dates,
var_rename_vec = c(`Phycocyanin (cells/mL)` = "BGA_HYLB"),
legend_location = c(0.18, 0.7)
ex_rw_stats <- calc_rolling_stats(
data = ex_data,
var_cols = "BGA_HYLB",
widths = c(21)
) # warnings are missing data, okay
ex_qd_all <- run_qd(
rolling_window_stats = ex_rw_stats,
var_cols = "BGA_HYLB",
widths = c(21),
stats_to_qd = c("SD", "Ar1"),
exp_lakes = c("R"),
ref_lake = "L",
ar1_alarm_rho = 0.95
#> [1] "Current variable QD-ing: BGA_HYLB"
ex_qd_formatted <- format_qd(
qd_stats = ex_qd_all,
var_cols = c("BGA_HYLB")
# plot the rolling window statistics and alarms
time_series_plot <- plot_temporal_EWS(
rolling_window_stats = ex_rw_stats,
qd_alarms = ex_qd_formatted,
bloom_fert_df = ex_bloom_fert_dates,
var_rename_vec = c(`Phyco` = "BGA_HYLB"),
legend_location = c(0.2, 0.7)
alarm_rates <- calc_alarm_rates(
qd_alarms = ex_qd_formatted,
bloom_fert_df = bloom_fert_dates
qd_alarm_rates = alarm_rates,
var_rename_vec = c("Phycocyanin" = "BGA_HYLB"),
legend_title = "Positive Alarm Rate"
spatial_data = flame_data,
samples_to_plot = data.frame(Year = 2019, DOY = c(165, 210, 228), stringsAsFactors = FALSE),
var_cols = c("BGApc_ugL_tau")
ex_spatial_data_pbfp <- flame_data %>%
filter(Year == 2019 & between(DOY, 161, 201))
spatial_stats_pbfp <- calc_spatial_stats(
spatial_data = ex_spatial_data_pbfp,
var_cols = c("BGApc_ugL_tau")
) # ignore estimated time as not using all of default data
spatial_results_plot <- plot_spatial_EWS(spatial_stats_pbfp)
(Note to self: devtools::build_readme()
to render)