
A Kotlin library for interacting with Discord via IPC

Primary LanguageKotlinMIT LicenseMIT


A lightweight and easy to use Discord IPC wrapper for Kotlin

Many other Discord RPC / IPC libraries are either lacking in features, don't work on certain architectures or platforms, or are no longer maintained. KDiscordIPC aims to stay up-to-date for as long as the Discord IPC API is actually supported

For documentation on how to use KDiscordIPC, check out the wiki!


  • Easy to use Kotlin DSL
  • Coroutines based
  • KDiscordIPC will work on any platform that supports Java (and Discord), due to using junixsocket, a library that has support for many unix based operating systems, and architectures. On Windows, KDiscordIPC will use the RandomAccessFile API
  • Aiming to have full interop with Discord's GameSDK


Maven repository coming soon!

dependencies {


val ipc = KDiscordIPC("YOUR_CLIENT_ID")

ipc.on<ReadyEvent> {
    logger.info("Ready! (${data.user.username}#${data.user.discriminator})")

    ipc.activityManager.setActivity("Hello", "world") {
        button("Click me", "https://google.com")
        timestamps(System.currentTimeMillis(), System.currentTimeMillis() + 50000)

    // Want to get the information of another user? Sure thing!
    val user = ipc.userManager.getUser("USER_ID")





MIT © 2022 Conor Byrne