
In index.js, it is always necessary to import all the files under a module (eg export * from './foo').

Using this package you can parse all exported files in a certain path now support the suffix 'vue', 'ts', and' tsx '


npm install -D @cc-heart/gen-index-export

create the gen-export.config.js file in the root path of your project project, and write to the following configuration file:

import { defineConfig } from '@cc-heart/gen-index-export'
export default defineConfig({
  dirs: [{ path: 'src/components', output: 'src/components/index.ts' }],

Configure the scripts property in package.json

    "scripts": {
    "exports": "npx gen-index-export"

Use npm run exports, You can generate the default export items or all export items based on the directory