- TeXLive 2011
To build, type:
make clean && make
Type the following:
- Get a preflight checker... PDF Studio Pro has one: http://www.qoppa.com/pdfstudio/demo/download.html
- See http://support.river-valley.com/wiki/index.php?title=Generating_PDF/A_compliant_PDFs_from_pdftex for notes on how to fix some problems ;
After converting using htlatex, I had to do some changes in the HTML/CSS:
- Replace all long __________ lines with
- Make sure italic text is italic : .fxlri-t-1x-x-120{font-style:italic;}
- Make sure title page is centered : .titlepage{text-align:center;}
- Force page breaks with style="page-break-before: always" and h2 {page-break-before: always}
- Remove ugly stuff placed instead of ToC (for some weird reason).
These changes are currently applied with cleanuphtml.sh, but it would be better to fix them upstream. After these changes are applied, it is best to achieve the conversion using the calibre software. The table of contents can be properly generated by using the following XPath expressions in calibre:
- chapters: //*[name()='h2']
- sections: //*[name()='h3'] Resulting ebooks can be fine-tuned with the sigil software.
The American version from 1993 uses the following fonts:
"Charisma" -- Latino Elongated "versus" -- unknown font, similar to Times New Roman, Linux Biolinum used "Charismania" -- Goldwater" Chuck Smith" -- very similar to Centennial, Palladino used Back -- Adobe Sans MM, Linux Biolinum used
"Chapter X" -- Garamond Italic Chapter title -- Latino Elongated Text -- Palatino Section title -- Garamond Italic
The Palladino and Garamond fonts used are URW fonts. The TTF files can be found at http://www.artifex.com/downloads/