
Data Dictionary

Column Data Description Data Type
Name Name of a property listing in the website  object
Address Location of property  object
Author Name of seller who currently owns the property  object
Price Cost of property in pesos int32
Bedrooms Number of bedrooms in the property  float64
Showers Number of showers in the property float64
Parking Number of parking slots  float64
Furnish If property is furnished or unfurnished int32
Total Developed Total area in sqm developed float64
Features The property features object
Facilities The facilities in the property object
Nearby Places The places found near the property object
URL The url link to the property listing object
Timestamp Timestamp when the property was scraped object
City City location in the Philippines of the property object
Region Region location in the Philippines of the property object
Island Island location in the Philippines of the property object
Type If property is a condo or house object
NFeatures Number of Features the property has int64
NFacilities Number of Facilities the property has int64
NNearby Places Number of Nearby Place the property has int64


User must access the Jupyter notebooks in this sequence:

  1. Scraping and Data Cleaning.ipynb
    • Output files: property_urls.csv / unclean_data.json / cleaned_data.json
      • The website is structured with multiple pages with each page having approximately 20 property listings. In our data collection process we collected the url of each property across the website, and stored the urls in property_urls.csv.
      • The data obtained from scraping are property details (name, address, price, author), utility information (bedroom, showers, furnish, parking, lot area), features, and the timestamp that notes what date and time the information was collected. After scraping all urls, the data obtained is stored in unclean_data.json.
      • After the data cleaning was done on the data stored in unclean_data.json, the cleaned data was exported to cleaned_data.json to be used for analysis in the succeding notebooks
  2. EDA.ipynb
    • Input file: cleaned_data.json
  3. Research Question and Clustering.ipynb
    • Input file: cleaned_data.json