This repo is the default skeleton for my rails side projects. It includes the default configuration, and libraries which

  • sets me free from the repetitive work
  • let me focus on the abilities I need to develop at the 1st stage.


  • 1st stage: the ability to build apps as quickly as possible
  • 2nd stage: new tech stack
  • 3nd stage: new language




  1. create different branches for setup
  2. create a branch called integration for the validation of the branch merges
  3. do it progressively (which doesn't mean you don't need to think)
  4. think about what are the most important
  5. create different branches as the combination


  1. set up devise for authentication
  2. set up bootstrap 3
  3. set up mysql database
  4. set up simple form
  5. set up reform
  6. set up rspec
  7. set up slim [Merged]


  1. set up select2
  2. set up elasticsearch
  3. set up react
  4. set up angular?
  5. set up datatable
  6. set up reform
  7. set up policy
  8. set up repository
  9. set up decorator
  10. set up flow
  11. set up sneaker
  12. set up fontawesome
  13. set up s3





  1. 201 - Twitter
  2. 202 - Dropbox
  3. 203 - Facebook
  4. 204 - Youtube
  5. 205 - Uber
  6. 206 - Yelp
  7. 206 - BookMyShow
  8. 207 - Pastebin
  9. 208 - Datadog
  10. 209 - Slack


  1. 301 - Stackoverflow
  2. 302 - Quora
  3. 303 - Amazon
  4. 304 - Linkedin
  5. 305 - Airbnb
  6. 306 - Google Flight
  7. 307 - Bittiger
  8. 308 - Sibian
  9. 309 - Leetcode
  10. 310 - Netflix
  11. 311 - Asana
  12. 312 - Trello
  13. 313 - Pinterest
  14. 314 - CoffeeMeetsBagle
  15. 315 -
  16. 316 - ToDo
  17. 317 - Slack
  18. 318 - VideoChat
  19. 319 - Pornhub

To Learn

To Question

  1. Warden?

Rails Originally Generated README

This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.

Things you may want to cover:

  • Ruby version

  • System dependencies

  • Configuration

  • Database creation

  • Database initialization

  • How to run the test suite

  • Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)

  • Deployment instructions

  • ...