This repo is the default skeleton for my rails side projects. It includes the default configuration, and libraries which
- sets me free from the repetitive work
- let me focus on the abilities I need to develop at the 1st stage.
- 1st stage: the ability to build apps as quickly as possible
- 2nd stage: new tech stack
- 3nd stage: new language
- create different branches for setup
- create a branch called integration for the validation of the branch merges
- do it progressively (which doesn't mean you don't need to think)
- think about what are the most important
- create different branches as the combination
- set up devise for authentication
- set up bootstrap 3
- set up mysql database
- set up simple form
- set up reform
- set up rspec
- set up slim [Merged]
- set up select2
- set up elasticsearch
- set up react
- set up angular?
- set up datatable
- set up reform
- set up policy
- set up repository
- set up decorator
- set up flow
- set up sneaker
- set up fontawesome
- set up s3
- 201 - Twitter
- 202 - Dropbox
- 203 - Facebook
- 204 - Youtube
- 205 - Uber
- 206 - Yelp
- 206 - BookMyShow
- 207 - Pastebin
- 208 - Datadog
- 209 - Slack
- 301 - Stackoverflow
- 302 - Quora
- 303 - Amazon
- 304 - Linkedin
- 305 - Airbnb
- 306 - Google Flight
- 307 - Bittiger
- 308 - Sibian
- 309 - Leetcode
- 310 - Netflix
- 311 - Asana
- 312 - Trello
- 313 - Pinterest
- 314 - CoffeeMeetsBagle
- 315 -
- 316 - ToDo
- 317 - Slack
- 318 - VideoChat
- 319 - Pornhub
- Warden?
This README would normally document whatever steps are necessary to get the application up and running.
Things you may want to cover:
Ruby version
System dependencies
Database creation
Database initialization
How to run the test suite
Services (job queues, cache servers, search engines, etc.)
Deployment instructions