
Replication files for "Prediction, Proxies, and Power"

Primary LanguageR

Prediction, Proxies, and Power: Replication Archive


Files in the main directory are:

  • README.txt: this file
  • README.md: Markdown source for this file
  • codebook.pdf: DOE scores codebook
  • codebook.md: Markdown source for codebook
  • Makefile: instructions to create the README and codebook

Files in the data, R, reed-et-al-2008, and replications subdirectories are described in the corresponding sections below.


Analysis was conducted using R version 3.2.0.

  1. Install R, version 3.2.0 or greater, from http://cran.r-project.org.

  2. Install the following R packages and their dependencies, including suggested packages. In parentheses we list the version of the package used in the analysis. More recent versions ought to work as well, to the best of our knowledge.

    • Amelia (1.7.3)
    • BH (
    • C50 (
    • DBI (0.3.1)
    • DEoptimR (1.0.4)
    • Formula (1.2.1)
    • MatrixModels (0.4.0)
    • R6 (2.1.1)
    • RColorBrewer (1.1.2)
    • RSQLite (1.0.0)
    • Rcpp (0.12.1)
    • RcppArmadillo (0.5.600.2.0)
    • RcppEigen (
    • RcppRoll (0.2.2)
    • SparseM (1.7)
    • VGAM (1.0.2)
    • assertthat (0.1)
    • bayesm (3.0.2)
    • broom (0.4.1)
    • car (2.1.0)
    • caret (6.0.52)
    • chron (2.3.47)
    • colorspace (1.2.6)
    • compositions (1.40.1)
    • cubature (1.1.2)
    • dichromat (2.0.0)
    • digest (0.6.8)
    • doMC (1.3.4)
    • doRNG (1.6)
    • dplyr (0.4.3)
    • energy (1.6.2)
    • filehash (2.3)
    • foreach (1.4.3)
    • ggplot2 (1.0.1)
    • ggtern (2.1.1)
    • glmx (0.1.0)
    • gridExtra (0.9.1)
    • gsubfn (0.6.6)
    • gtable (0.1.2)
    • iterators (1.0.8)
    • kernlab (0.9.22)
    • labeling (0.3)
    • latex2exp (0.4.0)
    • lazyeval (0.1.10)
    • lme4 (1.1.9)
    • lmtest (0.9.34)
    • magrittr (1.5)
    • maxLik (1.3.4)
    • minqa (1.2.4)
    • miscTools (0.6.16)
    • mlogit (0.2.4)
    • mnormt (1.5.4)
    • multiwayvcov (1.2.3)
    • munsell (0.4.2)
    • mvtnorm (1.0.3)
    • nloptr (1.0.4)
    • np (0.60.2)
    • packrat (0.4.4)
    • partykit (1.0.3)
    • pbkrtest (0.4.2)
    • pkgmaker (0.22)
    • plyr (1.8.3)
    • png (0.1.7)
    • proto (0.3.10)
    • pscl (1.4.9)
    • psych (1.6.4)
    • quantreg (5.19)
    • randomForest (4.6.10)
    • registry (0.3)
    • reshape2 (1.4.1)
    • rngtools (1.2.4)
    • robustbase (0.92.6)
    • sampleSelection (1.0.4)
    • sandwich (2.3.3)
    • scales (0.3.0)
    • sqldf (0.4.10)
    • statmod (1.4.24)
    • stringi (0.5.5)
    • stringr (1.0.0)
    • systemfit (1.1.18)
    • tensorA (0.36)
    • tibble (1.0)
    • tidyr (0.3.1)
    • tikzDevice (0.10.1)
    • xtable (1.7.4)
    • yaml (2.1.13)
    • zoo (1.7.12)

    You can run the provided script install.r to install all of the necessary packages.

  3. (Optional) If you wish to compile the codebook or this README from their respective Markdown source files, you will need to have installed Pandoc version or greater from http://pandoc.org.

Calculation of DOE Scores

All of the following commands should be run in the R subdirectory.

Output labeled ../latex/FILENAME is created in the latex subdirectory of the main directory. Be sure the latex subdirectory exists before running the following commands.

  1. Run 00-nmc.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-summary.tex: Table 7 of the manuscript
    • results-data-nmc.rda: transformed National Material Capabilities data
    • results-impute-nmc.rda: imputed National Material Capabilities data used for model training
    • results-impute-nmc-new.rda: imputed National Material Capabilities data used for DOE score calculation
  2. (Optional) Run 01-imputation-plots.r. This will create a subdirectory called imputation-plots containing the time series plots of each imputed variable by country.

  3. Run 05-mid.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-mid.tex: Table 1 of the manuscript
    • results-imputations-train.rda: merged imputed National Material Capabilities and Militarized Interstate Dispute data used for model training
  4. Run 07-outcomes-time.r. Output:

    • ../latex/fig-outcomes-time.tex: Figure 1 of the manuscript
  5. (Optional) Run 12-benchmark.r. This will provide a conservative estimate of the total CPU hours required to run the model training.

  6. Run 14-train-models.r. Output:

    • results-trained-models.rda: trained models fit to the full data for each imputation
    • logs-models subdirectory with log output
  7. Run 15-train-weights.r using each i = 1, ..., 10 as the command line argument. This requires running R in the terminal like follows:

    Rscript 15-train-weights.r 1
    Rscript 15-train-weights.r 2
    Rscript 15-train-weights.r 10

    These can be run in parallel or out of sequence, since their results do not depend on each other.


    • results-weights subdirectory containing super learner weights for each imputation in separate files
  8. Run 16-collect-weights.r. Output:

    • results-trained-weights.rda: super learner weights collected into single R object
  9. Run 17-summarize-weights.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-ensemble.tex: Table 3 of the manuscript
    • results-ensemble-loss.rda: information about the uncorrected and corrected log loss of the full super learner
  10. Run 18-capratio.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-capratio.tex: Table 2 of the manuscript
  11. Run 30-dir-dyad-year.r. Output:

    • results-dir-dyad-year.rda: data frame of all directed dyad-years
  12. Run 31-predict.r for each year from 1816 to 2007, by running it at the command line as follows (the first argument gives the starting year, the second argument gives the number of years to calculate from the starting year):

    Rscript 31-predict.r 1816 1
    Rscript 31-predict.r 1817 1
    Rscript 31-predict.r 2007 1

    These can be run in parallel or out of sequence, since their results do not depend on each other.


    • results-predict subdirectory containing CSV files with each year's DOE scores
  13. Run 32-collect-predict.r. Output:

    • results-predict-dir-dyad.csv: DOE scores for directed dyads
    • results-predict-dyad.csv: DOE scores for undirected dyads
  14. Run 33-doe-vs-cinc.r. Output:

    • ../latex/fig-oof-pred.tex: Figure 2 in the manuscript
  15. Run 41-varimp.r using each i = 0, ..., 179 as the command line argument, as in:

    Rscript 41-varimp.r 0
    Rscript 41-varimp.r 1
    Rscript 41-varimp.r 179

    These can be run in parallel or out of sequence, since their results do not depend on each other.


    • results-varimp subdirectory containing output of the variable importance analysis
  16. Run 42-collect-varimp.r. Output:

    • results-varimp.rda: variable importance results collected into single R object
  17. Run 43-summarize-varimp.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-varimp.tex: Table 4 in the manuscript

Other files in the R subdirectory that aren't to be run directly:

  • 04-merge-nmc-dyad.r: functions to merge National Material Capabilities with Militarized Interstate Dispute data and calculating capability ratios
  • 10-fn-train.r: functions to train individual models and the super learner
  • 11-defs-train.r: setup of candidate models for the super learner
  • 20-predict-from-ensemble.r: functions to calculate predicted probabilities from the super learner
  • 40-fn-varimp.r: functions to estimate variable importance
  • model-info.yml: metadata about each candidate model

Relevant files in the data subdirectory:

Replication of Reed et al. (2008)

All of the following commands should be run in the reed-et-al-2008 subdirectory.

Before running these commands, you must have the file results-predict-dyad.csv in the R subdirectory, either by completing the steps in the "Calculation of DOE Scores" section or by copying them from our Dataverse.

  1. Run run-and-plot.r. Output:

    • ../latex/fig-rcnw-gull.tex: Figure 4 of the manuscript
    • results-reed-et-al.rda: fitted model results
  2. Run cv-and-table.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-rcnw.tex: Table 5 of the manuscript

Other files in the reed-et-al-2008 subdirectory that aren't to be run directly:

  • reed-et-al-2008.dta: original replication data from Reed et al. (2008)
  • idealpoint4600.dta: ideal point estimates used to construct status quo estimates in Reed et al. (2008)

Replication of Studies with Power as Control

All of the following commands should be run in the replications subdirectory.

Before running these commands, you must have the files results-predict-dir-dyad.csv and results-predict-dyad.csv in the R subdirectory, either by completing the steps in the "Calculation of DOE Scores" section or by copying them from our Dataverse.

Output labeled ../latex/FILENAME is created in the latex subdirectory of the main directory. Be sure the latex subdirectory exists before running the following commands.

  1. Run each of the 18 scripts in the format author-year.r. These are:

    • arena-palmer-2009.r
    • bennett-2006.r
    • dreyer-2010.r
    • fordham-2008.r
    • fuhrmann-sechser-2014.r
    • gartzke-2007.r
    • huth-2012.r
    • jung-2014.r
    • morrow-2007.r
    • owsiak-2012.r
    • park-colaresi-2014.r
    • salehyan-2008-ajps.r
    • salehyan-2008-jop.r
    • sobek-abouharb-ingram-2006.r
    • uzonyi-souva-golder-2012.r
    • weeks-2008.r
    • weeks-2012.r
    • zawahri-mitchell-2011.r

    The results of these scripts do not depend on each other, so they can be run simultaneously.

    The output of each file is the corresponding results-author-year.rda, containing the results of the replication analysis.

  2. Run collect.r. Output:

    • ../latex/tab-replications.tex: Table 6 of the manuscript
    • ../latex/tab-replications-appendix.tex: Table 8 of the manuscript
  3. (Optional) Run describe.r. Output:

    • ../latex/list-replications.tex: description list in Section A.5 of the manuscript

Other files in the replications subdirectory that aren't to be run directly:

  • 18 data files of the form author-year.dta, each containing in Stata format the replication data for the corresponding analysis. (The exception is park-colaresi-2014.RData, which is in R Data format.)
  • fn-collect.r: functions to summarize and collect replication results
  • glm-and-cv.r: functions to run the replication analysis for a generalized linear model
  • ordered-probit.r: functions to cross-validate ordered probit models
  • replication-info.yml: metadata about each study being replicated

Data Sources

DOE Score Construction

Replication Data

Each of the following links has been verified to be active as of 2016-10-12.