
An orderly, harmonious, complete system for DC/OS - package management

Primary LanguageScalaApache License 2.0Apache-2.0


An orderly, harmonious, complete API for DC/OS services.

Running tests

Scala style checks

This project enforces certain scalastyle rules. To run those check against the code run:

sbt scalastyle test:scalastyle it:scalastyle

Unit Tests

There is a suite of unit tests that can be ran by running sbt clean test


To generate an scoverage report for unit tests run the following command:

sbt clean coverage test coverageReport coverageAggregate

The generated report can then be found at target/scala-2.11/scoverage-report/index.html

NOTE: You should never run coverage at the same time as one-jar because the produced one-jar will contains scoverage instrumented class files and will fail to run.

Integration Tests

There is a suite of integration tests that can be ran by running sbt clean it:test


At this time it is not possible to easily generate an scoverage report for the integration suite in cosmos-server. This is due to some classpath scoping issues related to the cosmos server being forked before the integration suite is ran.


  • A running DC/OS cluster

Running the tests

The test runner will automatically start an in process zk cluster and start the Cosmos server.

The test suite will then be configured to interact with this cluster by setting the following system properties:


or running the following command:

export COSMOS_AUTHORIZATION_HEADER="token=$(http --ignore-stdin <dcos-host-url>/acs/api/v1/auth/login uid=<dcos-user> password=<user-passwod> | jq -r ".token")"
sbt -Dcom.mesosphere.cosmos.dcosUri=<dcos-host-url> \
    -Dcom.mesosphere.cosmos.packageStorageUri=file:///tmp/cosmos/packages \
    -Dcom.mesosphere.cosmos.stagedPackageStorageUri=file:///tmp/cosmos/staged-packages \
    clean it:test

Running Cosmos

Cosmos requires a ZooKeeper instance to be available. It looks for one at zk://localhost:2181/cosmos by default; to override with an alternate <zk-uri>, specify the flag -com.mesosphere.cosmos.zookeeperUri <zk-uri> on the command line when starting Cosmos (see below).

We also need a One-JAR to run Cosmos:

sbt one-jar

The jar will be created in the cosmos-server/target/scala-2.11/ directory. This can be executed with:

java -jar cosmos-server/target/scala-2.11/cosmos-server_2.11-<version>-SNAPSHOT-one-jar.jar \
     -com.mesosphere.cosmos.dcosUri <dcos-host-url> \
     -com.mesosphere.cosmos.packageStorageUri file://<absolute-path-to-package-dir> \
     -com.mesosphere.cosmos.stagedPackageStorageUri file://<absolute-path-to-staged-dir>

It can also be exectued with ZooKeeper authentication with:

export ZOOKEEPER_USER <user>
export ZOOKEEPER_SECRET <secret>
java -jar cosmos-server/target/scala-2.11/cosmos-server_2.11-<version>-SNAPSHOT-one-jar.jar \
     -com.mesosphere.cosmos.dcosUri <dcos-host-url> \
     -com.mesosphere.cosmos.packageStorageUri file://<absolute-path-to-package-dir> \
     -com.mesosphere.cosmos.stagedPackageStorageUri file://<absolute-path-to-staged-dir>

Versions & Compatibility


The following table outlines which version of Cosmos is bundled with each version of DC/OS

DC/OS Release Version Cosmos Version
1.6.1 0.1.2
1.7.x 0.1.5
1.8.x 0.2.0


Repository Format

The below table is a compatibility matrix between Cosmos and Universe repository consumption format.

Rows represent Cosmos versions, columns represent repository formats.

application/zip (version-2.x) application/vnd.dcos.universe.repo+json;charset=utf-8;version=v3
0.1.x Supported Not Supported
0.2.0 Supported Supported

Packaging Version

The below table is a compatibility matrix between Cosmos and Universe packaging versions.

Rows represent Cosmos versions, columns represent packaging versions.

2.0 3.0
0.1.x Supported Not Supported
0.2.0 Supported Supported

API Method Version Compatibility

The following requests have constraints based on the version of the package from universe, here we outline the circumstances where the request should succeed.


Content-Type: application/vnd.dcos.package.describe-request+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1
Accept:       application/vnd.dcos.package.describe-response+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1

A v1 describe can succeed in the following scenarios:

  1. The package being described was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 2.0
  2. The package being described was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 3.0 and the package has a marathon template defined
Content-Type: application/vnd.dcos.package.describe-request+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1
Accept:       application/vnd.dcos.package.describe-response+json;charset=utf-8;version=v2

A v2 describe can succeed in the following scenarios:

  1. The package being described was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 2.0
  2. The package being described was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 3.0


Content-Type: application/vnd.dcos.package.render-request+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1
Accept:       application/vnd.dcos.package.render-response+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1

A v1 render can succeed in the following scenarios:

  1. The package being rendered was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 2.0
  2. The package being rendered was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 3.0 and the package has a marathon template defined


Content-Type: application/vnd.dcos.package.install-request+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1
Accept:       application/vnd.dcos.package.install-response+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1

A v1 install can succeed in the following scenarios:

  1. The package being installed was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 2.0
  2. The package being installed was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 3.0 and the package has a marathon template defined
Content-Type: application/vnd.dcos.package.install-request+json;charset=utf-8;version=v1
Accept:       application/vnd.dcos.package.install-response+json;charset=utf-8;version=v2

A v2 install can succeed in the following scenarios:

  1. The package being installed was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 2.0
  2. The package being installed was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 3.0 and the package has a marathon template defined
  3. The package being installed was published as a Universe package with packagingVersion 3.0 and the package has a .cli object defined in it's resource set

Reporting Problems

If you encounter a problem that seems to be related to a Cosmos bug, please create an issue at DC/OS Jira. To create an issue click on the Create button at the top and add cosmos to the component.