
Web scraper script

Primary LanguagePython


This personal project do :

  • scrape https://www.recetasgratis.net/
  • prepare data with python
  • make some visualizations in python
  • predict the cuisine from ingredients used (next level)

if you want to run the spider, go to the folder scraperecetas and run: scrapy crawl recetaspider. The scraped file will be in data/raw/recetas.json.

Advanced scraping tools

1. Rotating Proxies

use a list of paid ip proxies.

1.1 Install Rotating proxies

pip install crapy-rotating-proxies

1.2 Edit configuration in settings.py

DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'rotating_proxies.middlewares.RotatingProxyMiddleware': 300, 'rotating_proxies.middlewares.BanDetectionMiddleware': 301, ... } ROTATING_PROXI_LIST_PATH = 'proxies.txt'

2.a Using agents in settings.py

1.1. Install agents

pip install scrapy-fake-useragent

1.2 Edit settings.py

`DOWNLOADER_MIDDLEWARES = { 'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.useragent.UserAgentMiddleware': None, 'scrapy.downloadermiddlewares.retry.RetryMiddleware': None, 'scrapy_fake_useragent.middleware.RandomUserAgentMiddleware': 400, 'scrapy_fake_useragent.middleware.RetryUserAgentMiddleware': 401, }

2.b Using agents in the spider

Edit settings.py


Edit recetaspider.py

agent = UserAgent() custom_settings = { 'USER_AGENT': agent.random }