
Podcast Project developed on the event New Level Week created by Rocketseat {NLW#5 ReactJS Trail - 'Podcastr' Project by @rocketseat-education - instructor @diego3g

Primary LanguageTypeScriptMIT LicenseMIT


Podcast's project developed on the event New Level Week created by Rocketseat {NLW#5 ReactJS Trail - 'Podcastr' Project by @rocketseat-education - instructor @diego3g] We simulate a Node Server with podcast's episodes. It also work with desktop control's to play, puse and change to another episode. It also works repeat a shuflle.

See the project pages

Home - Not playing

Home - Playing episode

Episode detail page

Enviroment / Instructions

  • See the site on //localhost:3000
  • execute project with yarn dev + yarn server // to simulate API

Libraries / commands:

1 - Create Next Project on Windows Power Shell (admin): npx create-next-app

2-Add TYPESCRIPT on NEXT: yarn add typescript @types/react @types/node -D

Obs.: change files "js" for "txt"

3 - DOWNLOAD FONTS download fonts on fonts.google create a class on file _document.tsx

4 - CRIAR ARQUIVO _docments.tsx ex.:

import Document, { Html, Head, Main, NextScript } from 'next/document';

5 -ADD SASS yarn add sass

change extensions css para scss http://sass-lang.com/ 6- Add DATE FNS yard add date-fns


yarn add json-server -D

Add file server.json on root

add this line on package.json "scripts": "server": "json-server server.json -w -d 750 -p 3333" (obs.: -d is 750 mlseg DELAY and -p the gateway for the server)

8- ADD AXIOS Adicionar axios (biblioteca/API de requisição http, como o fetch com facilidades a mais, como entendimento de padrão do json e capacidade de setar a URL

yarn add axios 9- Instalar biblioteca RC_SLIDER p/ barra de progresso da música