
A CLI development tool for working with Aldebaran robots.

Primary LanguagePython



$ cd qidev/
$ sudo pip install -r requirements.txt
$ cd dist/qidev-X.X  # where X.X is the version number
$ sudo python setup.py install

You're going to need qi (in choregraphe/lib) in your PYTHONPATH. If you use fish shell you can add the following to your config.fish:

$ set -x PYTHONPATH $HOME/path/to/choregraphe-suite-x.x.x.xx/lib $PYTHONPATH

to test, open a terminal and type:

$ qidev --help

Connect to your robot

Set the 'hostname' field in ~/.qidev to the IP address or hostname of the robot. Points all future commands to that address.

$ qidev config hostname Michelangelo.local
$ qidev config hostname

# shortcut...
$ qidev connect Michelangelo.local

Specify IP Address(es)

You can specify (an) IP address(es) for a single command with --ip for many commands. For example:

$ qidev install /path/to/my/project --ip Michelangelo.local Donatello.local Raphael.local Leonardo.local

Install a package

Point qidev to your application folder (containing the manifest.xml), package your project (create a .pkg), push it to the robot (via SCP), and install it (via PackageManager). Supports --ip.

$ cd /path/to/my/project
$ qidev install .

# alternatively...
$ qidev install /path/to/my/project

Remove a package

Remove an installed package from the robot. Supports --ip.

$ qidev remove

Return key prompts for package name or UUID with tab-completion. The set of eligible packages is the union of packages installed on all targeted robots. If the package selected for removal is not installed on one of the specified targets, it's just skipped.

Show robot applications

$ qidev show     # table of installed packages
$ qidev show -s  # table of installed services (-s, --services)
$ qidev show -a  # table of active content (-a, --active)
$ qidev show -i  # inspect a package for details (-i, -p, --inspect, --package)

Return key prompts for package name with tab-completion for package inpection.

Starting and stopping behaviors and services

Supports --ip.

$ qidev start     # switch focus to an activity with ALAutonomousLife
$ qidev stop      # stop focused activity

$ qidev start -s  # start a service with ALServiceManager (-s, --sm, --service)
$ qidev stop -s   # stop a service (-s, --sm, --service)

$ qidev start -b  # start a behavior with ALBehaviorManager (-b, --bm, --behavior)
$ qidev stop -b   # stop a behavior (-b, --bm, --behavior)

Return key prompts for activity/behavior/service name with tab-completion.

More complex examples

# specify package id, skip prompt (--name, --id)
$ qidev start --name my-package/my-behavior

# start behavior with no tab-completion 
$ qidev start -b --name my-package/my-behavior

# start service with no tab-completion
$ qidev start -s --name Music

# stop service with no tab-completion on Michelangelo and
$ qidev stop -s --name Daps --ip Michelangelo.local

Autonomous Life management

$ qidev life on
$ qidev life off

NAOqi management

Supports --ip

$ qidev nao restart
$ qidev nao stop
$ qidev nao start

Power management

Supports --ip

$ qidev reboot
$ qidev shutdown


$ qidev rest  # put robot to rest
$ qidev wake  # wake up robot


Supports --ip

$ qidev vol n     # set volume to 0 <= n <= 100
$ qidev vol +n    # increase current volume by n
$ qidev vol -n    # decrease current volume by n
$ qidev vol up    # increase volume by 10
$ qidev vol down  # decrease volume by 10

NAOqi logs

$ qidev log       # follow tail-naoqi.log on remote host
$ qidev log --cp  # copy tail-naoqi.log to local machine (--cp, --copy)
$ qidev config log_path /where/I/want/tail-naoqi.log/written  # $HOME by default

Dialog (Work In Progress)

$ qidev dialog  # interactive dialog window

Type to force input to the robot.