run the redis container:
docker run --name redis-container -d redis
run the node app with a link to a redis container:
docker run -it --link redis-container:redis -p 8000:8000 -v /home/colby/code/sample-docker-node/script:/usr/src/app colby-node bash
checkout persistent storage for redis:
docker flags with run: -i connects STDIN to newly created container -t interactive terminal (requires something like bash at end) -d detach container -p PORT:PORT to map a port --link name-of-container:ALIAS_of_container
docker flag with build:
docker flag with rm: -v when doing an rm command will get rid of any volumes
to detach from within a container that was not started with a -d flag: ctrl + p + q to attach to a running docker container: docker exec -it bash
docker logs --tail 10 -f
remove all docker containers: docker rm $(docker ps -qa)