
  • shibboleth with fcgi support
  • nginx with shibboleth module
  • default config connects the two
docker compose up

additional configs for nginx

Nginx is built on top of official docker image; everyting in there should work. Additionally:

  • default.conf has a include /etc/nginx/locations/*; and docker-compose has a bind mount for that dir. This can be used to configure addtional locations
  • it's expected that /ssl bind mounted by docker compose from ./nginx/ssl contains the following files:
    • dhparam.pem (generate with openssl dhparam -out dhparam.pem 4096)
    • serverkey.pem
    • nginx_chain_cert.pem

At the moment the locations provided by default should work with dspacev7, hence the


in an .env file should be configured properly

as well as


i.e. what you put in nginx.conf server context after server_name. Example:

NGINX_SERVER_NAMES=" dspace-dev localhost"

or after resolver. Example


you can also connect to a different shibboleth fcgi by modifying:


The dspace backend location has a configurable client_max_body_size via


Nginx by default logs to stdout/stderr and syslog (provided by fluent-bit image). The syslog entries are written into the logs volume.

additional configs for shibboleth

The shibboleth image (its entrypoint) has some similar mechanisms to what nginx does.

  1. New signing and encrypt keys are generated if they were not provided in /sp-keys (bind mounted from ./shibboleth/sp-keys)
  2. /overrides (bind mounted by docker-compose from ./shibboleth/overrides) gets overlaid on top of /opt/shibboleth-sp (this provides the option of overriding any defaults, e.g. attribute-map.xml. You can provide shibboleth/overrides/etc/shibboleth/md_template.xml and this will be used as a template attribute on the MetadataGenerator Handler (/Shibboleth.sso/Metadata))
  3. *.template files from /opt/shibboleth-sp/templates get interpolated and the resulting files ends up in /opt/shibboleth-sp/etc/shibboleth/${template%.template}
  4. shibboleth2.xml is run through an xinclude processor (to add custom MetadataProviders)

Shibboleth (shibd, authorizer and responder) are run via supervisord. Supervisors logs go to stdout/stderr. Shibd logs end up in logs volume.

You must set SHIB_HOSTNAME (in an .env file or some other way). By default this is used in the entityId and in the RequestMapper.

Example of the overrides dir:

├── etc
│   └── shibboleth
│       ├── metadata-providers.xml
│       └──
├── templates
│   └── request-mapper.xml.template
└── var
    └── cache
        └── shibboleth
            └── proxied-idp.xml

6 directories, 4 files


$cat shibboleth/overrides/etc/shibboleth/metadata-providers.xml
        <MetadataProvider xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:3.0:native:sp:config" type="XML" path="/opt/shibboleth-sp/var/cache/shibboleth/proxied-idp.xml"/>
        <!-- Federation metadata -->
        <!-- eduid -->
        <MetadataProvider xmlns="urn:mace:shibboleth:3.0:native:sp:config" type="XML" url=""
            backingFilePath="/opt/shibboleth-sp/var/run/shibboleth/eduid-idp.xml" reloadInterval="7200" legacyOrgNames="true" tagsInFeed="true">
            <MetadataFilter type="Signature" certificate="" verifyBackup="false"/>
                <MetadataFilter type="Include">

configures 2 metadata sources

Case study - local testing
