
Angular/Google Charts Budget Calculator

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This is a simple monthly expense budget calculator single page application, built using the Angular framework and using Google Charts API. It allows a user to add as many or as few fields as needed, and displays an interactive pie chart when at least one expense is added, which updates dynamically when expenses are added/removed.

This was built by me as a way to learn Angular.


This can be demoed at http://daniellec.byethost12.com/portfolio/budget/budget.html


budget.html - budget calculator application

js/budget.js - controller which controls the data of the app; also includes google chart code

Please view the source of these files in the repository for additional comments added where necessary.


Angular is a javascript framework that extends HTML with new attributes called directives. Directives are all prefixed with "ng-". Directives used in this app are:

ng-app: initializes an AngularJS application.

ng-init: initializes application data.

ng-model: binds the value of HTML controls (input, select, textarea) to application data.

ng-controller: defines the application controller

ng-repeat: repeats an HTML element

ng-submit:binds angular expressions to onsubmit events

ng-click: specify custom behavior when an element is clicked.

In addition, in several places in the HTML app source code values are surrounded by {{ }}. The {{ }} are a declarative way of specifying data binding locations in the HTML.

Angular binds the input or output of the page to an application model, and scope is the object that refers to this model. Both controllers and directives have reference to the scope.


Google Chart tools are a variety of interactive charts and data tools that can be customized using the Google Visualization API. This application uses the pie chart tool, and further customizes it in order to update the pie chart dynamically based on the expense data entered by the user.

*Refer to https://angularjs.org/ for more info

+Refer to https://google-developers.appspot.com/chart/ for more info